Ten Useful Things Freshman Guys Should Know

By: Matt Thompson | OSU Alumni ’11

I arrived at OSU as an incoming freshman mostly oblivious to what it takes to survive the college experience. But over the past five years, let’s call the last one a victory lap, I’ve picked up a few useful tidbits of information that I would like to share with all you guys moving on to OSU this fall.

1)      Take advantage of the first few weeks of school: This is when everyone will be most open to meeting new people, and getting involved on campus. The deeper it gets into the semester the more awkward it will be strike up conversations with strangers.

2)      Get involved in a church:> Find a steady church to get involved in, even if you are going to XA. It is a great place to develop relationships with non-college students. Church can be an awesome place to seek guidance when you need the perspective of a more experienced Christian.

3)      Don’t be to quick to decide on a church: It is important to visit a few different good churches around town before making a decision. That way it will be easier to be committed to the one you do pick.

4)      Be selective with your activities: When you first get to school you will probably be overwhelmed by the sheer number of clubs available on campus. You’ll probably want to join fifteen different groups, I know I did. Before you do, remember that you have way more free time available the first month of the semester than normal. I suggest you only join clubs that you have a real passion for, this will prevent burnout and missed obligations later on in the year.

5)      Little Caesar’s Hot and Readys, Walmart Supersubs, and Panda Express Takeout: These are all great ways to get multiple meals for under $5, and they don’t taste all that bad!

6)      Buy Textbooks Early: Used textbooks are outrageously priced, but they are still cheaper than new ones, which is all you will have to pick from if you procrastinate.

7)      Watch out for the bike lanes: Learn where they are, and look both ways before crossing them. That is unless you want to be a greasy spot on the sidewalk.

8)      College is a great place to learn or try something new: You will be around new kinds of people, with new interests. This makes for a great time to learn new skills, talents, or to develop a new outlook. Just remember to keep God first, keep a humble heart, and an open mind.

9)      Make friends with at least one international student: This may be the only time in your life when you get to interact this closely with someone from another culture. It can be a great time not only to win someone to Christ, but also to learn more about yourself; don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

10)  Don’t forget why you’re here: As fun and exciting as college can be, it is important to remember why you are here. If you buckle down and work hard, God will reward you for it.

Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…”